
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall On The Hilltop

Even though we aren't anywhere near moving into our new house yet, our porches are finished and I enjoyed doing a little Fall decorating on one little corner of my big wrap-around porch.  I figured as long as I stayed out of the construction zone it would be okay!

I loved using the old mailbox that I nabbed for cheap at a roadside junk sale a number of months ago.  (You can read about that post here.)  It made for fun decorating with my Fall things!

I did a little hiking around our farm for some Fall foliage and really loved the piece of wood with the moss growing on it.  It was my favorite find of the day.

Can you see that awesome huge pot next to the mailbox?  My son and daughter-in-law found it on their eight acres of land when they bought their place about a year ago.  They gave it to me recently and I am so in love with it.  It looks gorgeous full of these beautiful Mums.

I also did a fun Fall display at the entrance to our Farm.  I've never had much luck at making a scarecrow.  They are always so heavy after I fill them with straw that they won't stand up straight.  I love this lady!

She stands up nice and tall and has weathered several heavy rain storms in the last week and she's still as sprightly and happy as ever! 

I happened on an awesome blog post on how to make her...  I don't think I will ever make another scarecrow any other way.  It was such an awesome idea.  You can read the great tutorial here.

I think maybe we made her head a little too big...  oh well, she's perfect to me!

I hosted a Fall Ladies Lunch on my porches last week.  We had about 15 of us for an awesome lunch....  I planned it all out in my head and it was going to be like this:  these amazing tables decorated beautifully out on the porch overlooking the hillside and the beautiful Fall colors.   Instead, it rained buckets of water and was so cold and miserably wet that instead of having lunch on the porch???  I set up my gorgeously set tables under the scaffolding, inside the house under construction.  Therefore, my pictures were terrible.  I do have this one at least.... gives you a little glimpse of the Fall table decorations!

However, I learned a great lesson.  Fellowship with wonderful ladies is just as wonderful under 30 feet of scaffolding as it would've been on the porch! 

And here I am with my darling grand-babies.  There is nothing sweeter or more precious than these little girls (even pumpkins, mums, lunch on the porch, or rainy days)! 
Happy Fall!   


  1. Beautiful front porch decorations! I know your home will be beautiful and can't wait to see it.

  2. What a sweet post! I love all your fall decorations... I think my favorite is your scarecrow.

  3. I love your darling scarecrow!! Cute Cute!!

  4. Your scarecrow is precious!!! It is so exciting to see that someone used my tutorial! Your decorations are just beautiful! I love that old mailbox! Life to the full, Melissa

  5. So cute! Such a great way to decorate for the season

  6. I saw those beautiful mums on someone's blogroll and had to come see the whole picture. That is my favorite color of mums and they look great in your porch vignette. Wow, you have a wonderful view from your porch. ---------Shannon

  7. thanks for sharing pictures. i'm so happy things are coming along for your house. Glad ya'll are continuing with the lady's lunch. Even though I'm missing out :) .. hugs to all!
