
Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Cows Come Home

In the year that we've lived on our farm, we've just had steers.  And just a few steers at that.  The grass keeps growing, my husband keeps mowing, and we keep saying, "We need cows...  Momma cows"!

Well, we finally had time to get away from the house building to find some cows, buy them and bring them home.  Thirteen of them - and they are all bred which means that we can be watching for some babies within the next couple months.  

This one is my favorite.  Jillian and I named her Princess Kate.  

We got some black, a pretty old red, a couple white, and then Princess Kate and she is that pretty orangy color.  But there is something funny and that is that they seem to pair off by color.  Is that strange?  We unloaded them from the trailer and the black ones headed off up the hill. 

And there go the white and red.

Our horse, Promise (the Queen of the Hilltop) was pretty excited.  She had a real hard time containing herself!

We're excited to have cows grazing around the farm now.  We're all pretty happy to just stand around and watch them settle in to their new home.  

I know you're wondering where Belle was during all this time?  Well, she was like a little kid running around wagging her tail, grinning, jumping, and never stopping for a picture.  She had to go cool off in the pond from all the excitement.

And while Eldon was watching the cows, and Jillian and I were trying to name them, guess what Rosetta was doing?  She only had eyes for her Gramp and about every 10 seconds she was hollering "Grampie" in her little baby language!

Jillian and I are still trying to name them.  Have you got some great Momma Cow names for us? 


  1. Love this post! Dazy & Buttercup are cute cow names =) How fun! Happy holidays!

  2. I say "Lulabell" and Sjaak suggests "Bossy." I can remember naming 9 baby milk calves my grandma & grandpa bought for their farm one summer. We spent our weeks that summer in Virginia bottle feeding those loud hungry babies--the girls will LOVE this experience! :) Ginny

  3. I love cows! If I had one, I would name a female Bella. Don't have a clue why!

    Take care.

  4. I love your home...your land...your animals
    and of course your grandchildren! I love cows
    and if I had a cow I would name it Gertrude....don't
    know why just like the name for a cow. I love your
    blog and am so glad you posted. It seemed a long time
    from your last post. So excited for your cows!!!!!

  5. I've just discovered your sweet blog through your daughter's blog! I'm going to add yours to my blog list. Love following the comings and goings of country life. What kind of dog do you have?
