
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Baking In The New Kitchen (and a Creatively Made Home Winner)

Today was the first day to make cookies in my new kitchen!  My grand-daughter, Jillian, spends Thursday afternoons with me now; we have a piano lesson and play some games.  Today we added cookies to mix of things to do!  Jillian helps her Mommy all the time so she can practically do it all on her own. 
I also thought you'd enjoy a glimpse of the open shelves Eldon put up for me this week where I get to display some of the kitchen things that I love so much! 
OH!  And the winner (finally) to the Creatively Made Home {Home For The Holidays} e-course is Cyndie!  Thanks to all that commented and if you'd like to purchase the course you can go to Andrea's blog and purchase it here
And now I need some help and advice.  My very old computer is on the glitch.  I'm ready to take the plunge and Eldon wants me to get an Apple this time.  I'm a little nervous to spend the money - not sure if its worth it - is Apple the way to go or not?  
Have a wonderful Labor Day Holiday! 


  1. Blogger needs a "love" button!

  2. Love the "work station"!!! And re/the Apple, I've been a Windows gal forever, but took the plunge into Apple with an iPad and iPhone over the last 2 years. While Apple can be awfully intuitive, I still prefer my Windows environment.

  3. A resounding yes to getting an Apple. I have an iMac at home and at work. They're great! Much less trouble than PCs, perfect for graphics and photos. If you do get one, I hope you like it.

  4. I love the open shelving and the work station. You must be so excited to be all moved into you new house. I can't wait to see more pictures.

    We are an Apple family. My husband and I have desk tops and our oldest has a laptop. We also have iPads and iPhones. We are a technology loving family. We have had our desktops for three years and love them. If you are use to Windows there is a version for the Mac. We really like our computers and will probably never use a PC again. It is well worth the investment.

  5. I am not an Apple person. I will most likely never buy one. That said...I do think they may be the way to go. EVERYONE who has one completely raves and thinks they are wonderful. I run my life from a $400 Dell laptop so I'm probably not the one to give any advice! Enjoy your weekend and your new home...Ann

  6. I live by my iMac Dori. That said - when I got my first one I worked on a PC all day at the office and then came home to my Mac (like having a split personality). It takes a while to get used to it - it is very different than a PC environment. I'm on my second one now (unfortunate lightening storm) and wouldn't go any other way. When I have to pull something from my husband's PC, I hate every minute of being on it. Apple was originally set up to be user friendly and they are that. So far I've not run into anything that can't be done on my Mac just as well (and probably better for me). I've been on my iMacs for over 10 years and would never go back to the other world. There is a learning curve but after watching you, I don't think you'll have any problem with that. If you do, ask Jillian for help!


  8. Love the pop of color on your shelves and how wonderful for your granddaughter to spend the afternoon with you! :)

  9. Making cookies with my granddaughters is one of our favorite things to do. :) Nice way to break in your new kitchen!

  10. Your kitchen and home are so lovely. Funny your daughter made cookies too!

    1. Lisa - it's positively hilarious how many times Andrea and I are doing the same things (and even blogging about it) and have no idea until we see each other's posts!!!!

  11. I'm sure you're making tons of wonderful memories for those adorable little granddaughters!

    We did away with our PC a couple of years ago and bought an Mac laptop. We love it! Yes, there was little bit of a learning curve, but it's easy to catch on to. We've had far less problems by far, well none actually, and I don't think we'd ever go back to a PC. We bought a refurbished one from a reputable ebay seller. It works great and we saved a ton of money that way.

  12. What a great way to "break in " a new kitchen baking cookies with your granddaughter! Hope you are enjoying your new house. I wouldn't be the best to answer about the computer. Hope you have many great times with your family in the new house. Patty

  13. first off: THANK YOU for the giveaway!!! I am so excited to take this awesome course :)
    love it that you 'broke in' your new kitchen baking with your grand~daughter!!! and I don't know a thing about Apple computers...I barely know anything about the ones we have ;) Thanks again!!!

  14. Aww, Jillian looks adorable when she helps you out! The shelves Eldon look great! It somehow gives the place a more spacious look. How's your new kitchen, by the way? The way a kitchen looks affects how a person will go about doing their chores. Cooking is more fun and enjoyable if the place you cook at is properly organized and well-designed.

    Ryann Hoyer @ Yancey Company
