
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rainy Day In The Craft Room

I had intended to have a big surprise for readers today and do a post on Phase One of my Craft Room.  Well....  of course the day I had slated for pictures was the day that it was dark, gloomy and pouring rain outside so all I ended up with was yellow toned pictures!  So, I took my own advice, laughed about it and decided to sew instead!  (The picture above is the only half way good one I ended up with!  So you get a tiny glimpse!)

Recently I came across the above blog post on making a sewing machine cover and I need one really badly; decided today was the day to do it!

 I wish I had the exact fabric that Sew Delicious used; but I had to make do with what I have.  I dug through my scaps and chose the above combination.

It was great fun to make, a quick and easy project.  However, because my sewing machine isn't this perfectly sized rectangle I had to custom fit mine and it is a little wonky with all the weird angles sticking out.  

But the fabric was fun, the machine quilting was fun and it looks good on my sewing table.  Now I don't have to use the ugly plastic case that I've used for umpteen years!

Aren't these yellow toned pictures just the best?!  Now you know why taking pictures of my Craft Room today just did not work.

Other news?  Eldon bought me an Apple iMac computer.  I'm learning that there is a huge learning curve when it comes to switching from a PC to a Mac.  But WOW do I love it!!!  (There's another little peek for you - my Office Corner!)

We are off to Nashville to pick up close friends that will be here for an entire week!  I can hardly wait for all that it entails:  cooking, eating, laughing, talking, sitting around in our warm flannels, and just being together.  I need some girlfriend time!  

Hope your Thanksgiving is exactly what you want it to be.  


  1. sigh...I just love seeing ANY photos of your new home :) its such a great place. I told Lu at lunch the other day: "if I ever get anywhere near Dori's home, I am going to come knocking on her door!!! you will have such a wonderful week :) Enjoy!!!!

  2. Have a wonderful week with friends and family, Dori! This sneak peak makes me look forward to the real reveal - love what I see so far.

  3. Hope the weather clears up soon so you can share the room! And...please keep us posted on the iMac progress and how you like it after a bit! Thanks...

  4. Mac is the only way Dori. Never look back. Enjoy your friends and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Loving the peeks! I need that cover too! Mine lives with a folded table runner folded over the top, poor Magnolia! ;-) I'm sure thanksgiving was happy with so many of my favorite people gathered together in one spot!

  6. I know that "Noteworthy" fabric! Still in love with that group. and it was a great choice for a sewing machine cover. It's one group that I wish Moda would reprint, but they have to move on and so it goes. Enjoyed seeing a bit of your creative space and will keep a lookout for more pics.
