
Friday, December 4, 2015

My Happy Place

I've been doing a lot of sewing the last month.  

And as I sit at my machine in my wonderful Craft Room I have been reminded again of something I've known for years.

When I have a sewing project to work on, I am at my happiest and most content.

Sewing makes me very happy!

All my little sewing tools, piles of fabric and projects in motion make me happy.

Hand quilting tiny little one-inch squares makes me happy.

The first of November  Eldon and I took a little vacation to South Alabama and as I usually do when we are going to be in the car for hours, I took a hand sewing project.

For a long time I've wanted to experiment with English Paper Piecing and so I chose hexagons (nicknamed hexie's)  as my first project.   I was hooked the first 30 minutes in the car!  That seven hour drive went by in a blink.

 And the nice thing about a little hand-sewing project like this?  You can still talk and keep your husband company while he drives!

Learning new sewing techniques makes me happy.

I think I mentioned in my last post that my parents drove out from New Mexico for about 10 days.  My Momma and I happily sat side by side on the couch sewing away on our own hexie projects - mine tiny and hers big.  And we talked and laughed.

Sewing with my Momma makes me happy.  

My grand-girls love to sew.  Jilly (who is seven) has her own little sewing box here at my house and she always has a little project she is working on.  That is usually the first thing she does when she comes each week.  My Mom loved sewing with the girls.

Watching my grand-daughters learn to sew makes me happy.

Making sweet little projects and sending to friends and family makes me incredibly happy!

When my parents drove off and the tears were streaming down my face, I came in the house and picked up some of those darling little hexie's and began a project I've been wanting to make for ages.  And as the happy sewing project began to unfold before my eyes, my sadness faded away.  

And I'm so thankful for that.


  1. Well this post brought tears to my eyes in a good way:). Precious moments in time, especially with your mom and your grandgirls, very sweet. This past summer, I visited my family and watched my mom play with her great grandchildren, 3 and 1. Beautiful! Sewing projects, like quilts remind me of my sister, have a few of them. It all comes down to family, right? Love this post Dori, Kathleen in Az

  2. Love seeing this post! I understand, Dori. Sewing makes me happy, too! I love sewing and it brings back happy memories of sewing with my mother. I love seeing you share your love of sewing with your granddaughters. I have grandsons and they love for me to make things for them. I am working on a one inch hexie quilt and sewing it by hand. It is my portable project that I take when I travel or go to appointments.

    You take care

  3. Oh, and finding this little darling needle book in my mailbox made me very, very happy too! Love you sweet friend

  4. When loved ones live so far away those goodbyes are particularly poignant. Glad that you have a way to keep your hands busy and your mind active. Fun to see your mother working with the greats on sewing. Happy memories!

  5. What a happy home and sewing place you have. As well as a lovely family to share it with. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. I'm just like you. When I'm creating with needle and thread, I am at my happiest. Love your little hexie projects.

  7. Oh, I hope someday to be as skilled with a needle as you. Your creations look like a lot of fun and are so cheerful! Thanks for sharing your happiness.

  8. Your projects are just beautiful , Dori!! They make me happy to look at them! LOL!! The fun colors, shapes, and stitching are little works of art. It is no wonder that you love sewing projects because they are obviously made with patient and careful love handed down from your beautiful Mama. What a blessing she is to have in your life still and what a tradition you are passing on to your grand girls. Now, you have me getting a lump in my throat as it reminds me of my mom who loved to sew and taught me to sew as well. Sewing is a powerful legacy!

  9. The photo of your mom and you laughing and enjoying a project together is so sweet. It' the kind of thing I love doing with my own girls when they visit. Projects together are the best. I love your fabric choices, in fact I have some of those same fabrics in my stash!

  10. These are so beautiful. I don't have any particular colors but I like blue and brown and roosters.

  11. I just found your blog, I think from Pintrest? I'm wanting to learn how to make lap quilts to donate to senior homes. Thanks for sharing :D
