
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rainy Day In The Craft Room

I had intended to have a big surprise for readers today and do a post on Phase One of my Craft Room.  Well....  of course the day I had slated for pictures was the day that it was dark, gloomy and pouring rain outside so all I ended up with was yellow toned pictures!  So, I took my own advice, laughed about it and decided to sew instead!  (The picture above is the only half way good one I ended up with!  So you get a tiny glimpse!)

Recently I came across the above blog post on making a sewing machine cover and I need one really badly; decided today was the day to do it!

 I wish I had the exact fabric that Sew Delicious used; but I had to make do with what I have.  I dug through my scaps and chose the above combination.

It was great fun to make, a quick and easy project.  However, because my sewing machine isn't this perfectly sized rectangle I had to custom fit mine and it is a little wonky with all the weird angles sticking out.  

But the fabric was fun, the machine quilting was fun and it looks good on my sewing table.  Now I don't have to use the ugly plastic case that I've used for umpteen years!

Aren't these yellow toned pictures just the best?!  Now you know why taking pictures of my Craft Room today just did not work.

Other news?  Eldon bought me an Apple iMac computer.  I'm learning that there is a huge learning curve when it comes to switching from a PC to a Mac.  But WOW do I love it!!!  (There's another little peek for you - my Office Corner!)

We are off to Nashville to pick up close friends that will be here for an entire week!  I can hardly wait for all that it entails:  cooking, eating, laughing, talking, sitting around in our warm flannels, and just being together.  I need some girlfriend time!  

Hope your Thanksgiving is exactly what you want it to be.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

November Monthly Moos {Five Fat Heifers!}


Do you remember the story I told you a few months ago about separating our heifers from their Mommas?  (If you missed the post you can read it here.)  Well this is the update on the little heifers.  

They've been out in this lovely pasture all by themselves just eating green grass and living the good life!

The purpose of separating them from the herd is two-fold.  We weaned them from their Mommas and separated them from the bull.  They will be old enough to breed in about four more months.  We will keep these heifers and increase our Momma Cow herd size from thirteen to eighteen.  

This pasture is really nice because it also has a line of trees that provide shelter and shade for them.  

Its also separated from the herd by another pasture, so that decreases the possibility of a Momma Cow or  the Bull breaking through a fence to get to them.  We haven't had any issues so far!

 The only disadvantage to this pasture is that there isn't access to the pond.  So we've been hauling fresh water to them; which of course they love!  (Our grand  girls love to come up and help Grampie water the heifers!)

Its actually a very easy process to haul water.  We go to the garden and fill a tank that we have in the back of our Ranger.  Then...

... we drive down to their pasture and back up to the trough and fill it up!  Rosetta loved this!

Because we had Rosy with us today and she loves "calling the cows" we also brought them some grain!

"Sook, Sook, Sook" and here they come.  I'm pretty sure they don't need any grain!  (I haven't seen them up close for a few weeks and I just busted out laughing when they came running with their roly poly bodies!)

They beat us to the trough!

Five fat heifers can gobble up a bag of grain in a blink!

Good thing its only a treat and we don't have to grain them on a regular basis.  It is really nice to offer them the treat periodically though because its the best way to get them used to coming when we call and also comfortable being close to us.

Rosy loved standing there watching them scarf that grain down.  (I know is looks a little dangerous with her so close to the cows, but Eldon was actually standing right behind her - I just chose to not include him in the picture!)

And of course Belle never gets left behind; especially when the grand girls are around.  She loves them - and they love her.

She's the best dog ever.  

Needless to say, Rosetta had a great time.  (And so did her baby doll and her chicken!)

So that is the update on our sweet heifers.  We are so attached to them.  It will be very exciting for them to be bred and have their first calves since they were born on the farm and we feel like they are truly our babies!

Coming up in December is the job of separating the steers from their Mommas!  We have let them stay with the Momma Cows and nurse longer and they are big and ready to be weaned!

We are so excited for a houseful of company over Thanksgiving week and weekend.  We have so much to be thankful for.   I hope you are gearing up for a wonderful Holiday also.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Repurposing A Rocket Crate {And Other Farm Happenings}

Recently we were invited to our son-in-laws parents farm in Alabama for the day and my daughter and daughter-in-law and I did some exploring around the farm.  We came across a covered stall in the old barn that was chock-full (and I do mean full) of ammunition crates.  My son-in-laws father very eagerly told us we could have as many as we wanted.  Ummmm how about the whole barn full?  (smile)

I brought home a few.  I've found amazing uses for all three of them and think I need a few more!

I had an idea to use one for my Fall decorating but decided it was just a tad bit rustic and splintery for my living room, so I took the mouse sander to it and cleaned it up a bit. 

I removed the lid, but left the hardware on the box.

I was really happy with how it cleaned up.

I finished it up by rubbing on a coat of tung oil.  I love that stuff.  It really brings the life into old wood.  I put a burlap runner on my coffee table and plopped the crate on it and got busy.

I totally love how it came out.  When I first brought it in, I could tell Eldon was a bit sceptical! 

I used a few of my favorite things.  Old Readers Digest Condensed Books, an old bottle found on my son's farm, some lavendar sachets from my friend Ann (On Sutton Place), pinecones, leaves and acorns from around our farm. 

It was such a fun, easy project with such awesome results.

I've really been focusing on my living room and getting it to look a bit more like home.  I've been amazed at how hard its been for me with a brand new house to make it a home. 

 This was a simple thing that helped a whole lot! 

I've been really enjoying my old bottles and have had fun moving them around til I found the perfect home for them on top of my piano. 

A few sprigs of fresh Mums from my plants outside and it really brought the color in!

These old jars really fit in our new farmhouse!

The Fall colors on our hilltop were amazing this year and every morning when we got up and looked out the window I was amazed all over again at the beauty. 

And the last bit of news; and certainly the BEST news of the month is that my precious parents came from New Mexico for a week.  I wish we could've had them longer.  But we soaked in every minute and loved every bit of the week. 

We had all kinds of family time with all of us together and cooking in my new kitchen was the funnest thing ever!  The above picture was snapped with my cell phone, so not the greatest quality but I love the picture with both my girls and my Momma.

Now we have more company flying in next week - one of my dearest friends, her husband and family are coming from Arizona (and Texas) for an ENTIRE WEEK!  Having this new house is sure fun!! 

Linking up with the following fabulous parties: