
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cabin Fever

This is what we've been looking at for the last four days... rain, rain, and more rain! 
Its been a really good week to work on hanging sheet rock, because we certainly didn't want to be outside.  This is my craft room.  It took us HOURS to put the sheet rock in those wonderful built-ins. 
 The good news is that all the sheet rock has been hung.... except for this massive wall in the living room, which requires scaffolding, which requires a trip to the rental place, which requires getting our truck and trailer off this muddy hilltop! 

 Today I decided that it was time to get off the hilltop - even if the only way I could do it was in our four wheel drive Ranger!   I put on my muck boots, rain gear and a coat on the wet seat (smile) and away I went. 
The first order of business was to visit the cows.  This is #173 (she needs a real name).  She should be having her baby any day now.  It looks to me like she's "dropped"...  her tummy is not sticking straight out anymore and I can see her hip bones again. 
This is one of our little steers.  He still thinks he's a bull - has the face full of mischief all the time!
This is Old Red.  She's our oldest Momma Cow.  When you call "Sooook", she's the first one to come running!   
This silly ole Momma Cow is the one that escaped the pasture to the highway a couple weeks ago.   She looks innocent - but don't let her fool you!
I love the woods in the winter time.  They thin out to where you can actually get in and hike around.  These trees stand out in the dead woods with all their shimmery gold leaves that never fall off. 
I have a sweet friend in her eighties and last Fall she and I dug up about 100 daffodil bulbs out of her yard which I diligently planted alongside our road.  I could envision them in the spring blooming as we drove through the woods.  Well....  with the warm weather last week they got a little confused and started to bloom; now with the freezing weather this week they are all dying and falling over.  I'm afraid the picture of 100 blooming daffodils is not going to occur. 
This is my very blurry (rainy) self portrait, but Belle and I had a very good time traipsing around the farm, in the woods, and checking all the animals.  It was the perfect cure for Cabin Fever.
Hope you've been having a wonderful week!


  1. Dori I love seeing you pictures. Especially your house. We have pictures of our house when Jim an Brad built it. I don't remember to much about it because I was so sick with the cancer at the time. I picked out the tile,cabinets an the carpets. If I had it to do now I probably would not pick out the same carpet. Glad we have pictures. It is so interesting how it was built. Love the cows. Their faces are so pretty. The black cow looks like a Mabel. Lol. Don't know where that came from. Keep those pictures coming. Do you know what color you are doing the inside walls? Love you.

  2. Mabel! That is so cute! But maybe MayBelle!

  3. You're on the down hill now..sheetrock done! woo hoo! We worked on our house so much during Christmas season, my husband says everytime he hears Christmas radio music, it takes him back to working in this house! It will be worth it. Beautiful cows too :)

  4. Dori I just love checking in on all that's happening on the farm! Love the peaceful cattle pics...they look so content, even in the rain:) I do hope your cloudy skies go away before ours typically do here in Oregon (which would be about July 5th!) ;) Take care!
