
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Too Many Tomatoes!

I really don't have time right now to be picking gallons of tomatoes, much less canning those gallons of tomatoes.  (I know what you are thinking:  "Well then why did you plant such a big garden"?   Believe me, I've been asking myself the same question.)

And this afternoon I also picked about 50 jalepenos and green chile.  I'm not even going to mention the green beans, cucumbers, squash and okra that need attention. 

Today was the day for tomatoes.  I picked them all and got started out on the porch with my awesome outdoor canning set-up.   Threw those tomatoes in the boiling water til their skin wrinkled up and then I started peeling them. 

I cut up some jalepeno, green chile, onion and cilantro.  (The peppers were hot I know, because hours later my hands are still burning!)
Six pints of salsa all ready for winter!
I also just diced some tomatoes, quartered others and canned those too.
I've been thinking about my Mom lately and missing her a whole lot.  She always has shelves and shelves of her beautiful canned goods in her kitchen.  She has one whole corner of huge open shelves that have been there since I was a little girl..  You could say she had open shelving in her kitchen way before it was cool!  So as I've been canning and setting aside for our winter, I think of her. 

Another reason (just another of many) that my mom is on my mind so much is because of this wonderful enamelware that I own.  I use it every single day for one thing or another; but it is fabulous for using in vegetable and fruit prep for canning.   My mother gave me some of these and the rest I've purchased through the years. 
Guess who was watching me while I was canning on the porch?  Yep, those crazy, inquisitive cows!  (Oh, and the outdoor canning set-up?  Still totally amazing.  I cannot wait to expand on it and really make it awesome next summer.)
Lastly, I promise to have a house update this week.   Eldon is multi-tasking many, many things and I am trying to dig deep for some patience as I sand, stain, varnish, sand and varnish again on all the interior doors.  Its a job....  but thankfully the house is small and doesn't have too many doors.  I told Eldon that if we ever have to build another house (please no) there won't be any doors.  (Or walls, or flooring, or trim.  Just beautiful kitchen cabinets.  Are you getting a little curious about those kitchen cabinets?  They are DONE and so amazing.  Can't wait to show you more - but there is a refrigerator sitting in the way of my picture taking right now!) 
Have a wonderful week! 


  1. Your tomatoes look beautiful, but they look like work as well! Our little tomato patch was thriving until a hail storm in early July damaged the plants. They have bounced back, but we aren't getting many tomatoes. I enjoy seeing your bountiful harvest.

  2. Dori, What a blessing to see such beautiful produce.. My dad's garden didn't do well this year, so to see such Beautiful Produce is wonderful.. and Salsa a fav of mine looks so yummy.. Can't wait to see the photo's of your New HOME...How exciting.. and you must be exhausted... Keeping you in our Prayers, Have a great wonderful Monday...

  3. What pretty tomatoes! I admire your talent for canning -- and the commitment it takes. Wish I could try some of your salsa. I'll bet it's delicious. I don't know how you do it all ... gardening, canning, building a house, taking care of a farm! You must have tons of energy.

  4. I am buried under tomatoes, too... but I simply wash them and chop them coarsely in the blender after coring them, with skins ON... then process them for salsa, Italian base, or chili base. Too many for us, though, too... so I'm giving away as I go.

  5. I wish I lived close. I'd come over and sit across the table and peel and chop and talk and laugh while four hands made quick work of all those 'maters. I know it's a lot of work but it's also a lot of accomplishment. Good on you!

  6. I'm so jealous. I have only picked 6 tomatoes so far. Hee hee!
    But I have plenty of Basil and no blueberries, my birds are eating them.

  7. Beautiful! I love thinking of you canning on the porch with the cows watching, tee hee! You take such great pictures...and I love those enamel bowls!!! Love you!
