
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thoughts of Spring on the Hilltop (and Alaska too!)

We have finally felt the beginning of Spring on the Hilltop!  For a couple weeks now, I've been settling in my comfy chair at night with my Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog and my garden journal, so it was fun to finally get down to business and order my seeds!

Do you get this catalog?  You can look at all their products online of course.  But personally, I LOVE having the catalog in hand so I can stare and stare at all the pictures of gorgeous, rare, and exotic flowers and vegetables.   I love that the seeds are all heirloom,  most of them very, very old.  They also certify their seeds as non GMO, which I love.  

My catalog is scribbled and dog eared.

The hardest part is not getting too carried away when you place your order!  (The above print out of my order includes my daughter's seeds too!)

 I ordered watermelon seeds this year.  Eldon is plowing up part of our orchard area for me to use for the big things like watermelon, cantaloupe and pumpkins.  I just don't have room for those plants in my garden plot.  

I'm actually so excited for my garden this year.  It seems like this winter was such a long one!

My daughter and I have been sitting here doing a lot of plotting, thinking, planning and looking at pictures on Pinterest.   We've got plans for a little market business that we will share with you in the days ahead!  

So now.  On to an entirely different subject that has nothing to do with Spring.  Well, maybe it does.  Spring in Alaska!  

How many of  you have been following the Iditarod Dog Sled Race in Alaska?  Maybe it is because my husband is from Alaska and still has family there, but we try to follow it on the news every year.   Or maybe because it is one of the most phenomenal sporting events ever.   It's said that it is the "Last Great Race on Earth".  

If you didn't follow it and you don't know the exciting, crazy, wild details of the finish of the first few Mushers and their amazing dogs.... please read about it!  Follow this link to a blog that I've enjoyed following for the past while.    This blog is about a woman Musher, Aliy Zirkle, and her story is amazing.  (Her husband is also a Musher racing in the Iditarod.)

Here are a few other links to read about the Iditarod and the final finish of the first two Mushers.  

Strange end to a blog post about Spring on the Hilltop....  but I guess that is the advantage of being a Blogger!  We get to share what is on our minds!  

Have a good weekend, my friends!  

1 comment:

  1. It has been a dry & warm winter in the southwest. Long, cold & snowy winter back east. Looking at the seed catalogs makes me feel like Spring with its beautiful flowers, blooming trees & blue sky, very restful. Looking forward to your produce market with your daughter. Kathleen in Az p.s. Love the Iditarod pics!
