I don't know what kind of weather you've been having where you live, but here in Middle Tennessee we've been having some crazy warm weather. It's not all sunshiny days because we've had RAIN, RAIN and RAIN. As well as some tornado threats and flash flooding. But in between that we've had amazing sunshine and it sure does seem strange to be outside in short sleeves, bare legs and flip flops!
But the weather has been very good for the winter wheat and clover that we planted in the Flower Garden back in October. (If you missed that post, you can read it here.)
The clover came in really nicely too and is spreading and thickening.
So, as I mentioned in my Monthly Moos post back in October, the wheat and clover will act as a "green manure" to the field, adding necessary nutrients. In the spring we will till it all into the soil. The clover especially adds nitrogen to the soil.
Eldon has also been getting loads of manure from the local Livestock Auction yard where he is stock piling and composting it. That will also be spread and tilled into the soil in the Spring.
We did not dig up our Dahlia Tubers this Fall... we covered them heavily with straw and plan to experiment and see if they hold over well in the ground. There are varying reports on whether they will make it through the winter; but if they do that will be great next spring!
I loved going down to the flower garden today and walking around, thinking about what a wonderful summer my daughter and I had in our Flower Farming. I had to stop and smile at the mason jar the little girls left hanging... just waiting to be filled with flowers in the summer!
Our seed catalogs have arrived in the mail and we've begun pouring over the different flower varieties and planning the garden. We've got all sorts of notes to go over and decisions to make.
It's hard, in these unusually warm days, to keep from getting over-excited and think that winter isn't going to come this year! Even Belle can hardly contain her excitement in the sunshine!
(And when the camera comes out, she gets hilarious!)
Happy New Year friends!
P.S. There is still time to enter my give-away here. I'll be back to announce a winner on Friday.