
Friday, September 25, 2015

Still Blooming {And A Winner!}

Letting go of summer is very hard for me.    Eldon asked me when I was going to decorate our farm entrance in my fall decor and I sort of shuddered!  

I keep questioning why I'm like this, when everyone around me is so excited about fall being here.  But standing in our Farm Fresh flower garden last night I had my answer.  Letting go of anything you've loved and enjoyed is hard.  

As I stood there and gazed at our beautiful flowers I felt like I could relate to the plants so well.  The plants are tired from the long hot summer.  Sort of wilted and beaten down a bit.  Definitely not the vibrant green and strong plants they were a month ago.  

But they are still happy and still working to put a smile on their face and bloom.  Do you ever feel like that?  

I think that is exactly how I feel.  Tired and a bit beaten down from a summer of hard work, but hanging on with every fiber because it was such a happy summer.  

So until the first freeze comes and puts a stop to the blooming.... you'll find me in the garden with a big smile on my face.

And maybe, just maybe, I might drag out some energy to leave the garden and put some fall decorations up!   

The above picture of the little frog in our garden is how I feel... I'll just sit here and hang on to this leaf!   Thank you to all my amazing readers for always writing, encouraging and helping me ease into the change of the season!  

And finally!  We have a book winner! 

Lyn Moon is our winner!

P.S.  Andrea and I have a wedding we are providing all the flower arrangements for on Saturday.  Get ready for a blog post on that (probably from both of us!) in a few days!



  1. My daughter-in-law shudders at the arrival of fall, too. She says that nothing good is going to happen until the first warm spring day, =D I had not known that anyone got the sense of foreboding as she does, but now I have found that it is catching. Yup. Let's keep our grins going.

  2. Opposite here in Phoenix, today it feels dryer out, although it'll be in the low hundreds. Love Fall, Winter and Spring here, Summer? not so much. Well, Dori, I too, would have a hard time leaving the spectacular flower garden, so beautiful! Ok now, expect a Fall post from you soon;) Looking forward to the Wedding post! Kathleen in Az

  3. beautiful flowers ~ lovely post from your heart. Thank you !

  4. Fabulous post...your flowers are so beautiful!
    I had a wretched summer, and am super excited for fall. Not so much the following winter, though.
    If I had a garden such as yours, no matter what else happened I would never want summer to end, either!
    Your frog is adorable!!
    Can't wait for the wedding post!
    Big hugs!

  5. Dori, there is no doubt that your flowers are just stunning and your Summer has been fantastic! I have to admit, however, that I am looking forward to your lovely Farm all decked out to greet the vibrant colors and shapes of Fall. Perhaps, your area will have a long Indian Summer season this year where you can enjoy your flowers and the happy brightness of pumpkins, Bittersweet, and gorgeous leaf colors. Tomorrow is our first annual Apple Pie Sunday over at MJF Forum. If you have a chance , whip up an apple pie for a late Sunday treat and share a photo for us of Pie on the Porch amidst a bouquet of your gorgeous flowers. Enjoy the wedding festivities!!

  6. I love summer, too. And I love this post. Putting on a happy face and blooming anyway.... Helps others bloom, too. Your garden and you do this.

  7. Your flowers are so lovely. Zinnias and dahlias are especially abundant this time of year.
    Can't wait to hear about your wedding experience! Have fun!

  8. I'm so not ready for fall either! I've always loved fall .. The whole cozy feeling of fall, baking, pumpkins, walks in the woods... I think because the last two winters here in Ohio were so cold and brutal I'm just not ready for it!! But, ready or not .. Fall is here and winter is not far behind :)

  9. Oh Dori! these pjotos are wonderful! I really like that tiny frog! How lucky are you. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Wow, Dori! My husband and I think you can be a professional photographer. :o) Your frog photo is simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I feel the same way Dori. Although I love Autumn, I am so sad to see the days get shorter and colder. I love the long days of summer and the garden growing, and the green of everything. I can enjoy Autumn, but I am never in such a rush to let go of summer. If I had that many zinnias in my garden I would be sad to see them go too! They are gorgeous, and one of my favorite flowers.

  12. I love summer and am slow about embracing fall. I like fall too, but I hate to let go of the things growing. I picked a few late roses from my flowerbed and think of them as a gift....just before fall and winter come in full. I feel you!

  13. Thank you so much for picking me as the winner of the book. I can't wait to receive it and read it to my grandchildren. Do I need to send you any information on my address or email address.
    My blog site is Just let me know what your need. Thanks again.
