
Saturday, October 31, 2015

October Monthly Moos {Getting Ready For Spring... In The Fall}

I think most of you have heard me say many times that Fall is not my favorite time of year.  But I feel like this view from our front porch has changed my mind!  I actually love Fall... what I don't really like is that Winter comes very quickly after it!  Smile!

It seems like this year in Middle Tennessee the Fall colors were more vivid and more beautiful than previous years.  But maybe I just needed it more this year so I was looking closer!  

Eldon has been getting the farm ready for winter by mowing all the hills and pastures.  Things were looking pretty dry after a few weeks of no rain and after he got all the mowing finished we had two solid days of rain.  The farm is green again!  What a great way to go into Winter!

The biggest job that really needed to be done before winter sets in is the Flower Garden.  We had an early freeze the middle of October so our garden was completely finished.  (Another reason I dread Fall maybe?!)  After 3 months of gorgeous flowers, it was very sad to drive down to the flower garden and see it looking like this.  

Eldon took his small John Deere tractor with the little bush hog and completely mowed down all the dead plants.  

It made it much easier to look at!  I'm not kidding you - those dead plants were just too sad for me!  

Then he took off the bush hog, put the tiller on and tilled it thoroughly. 

It took a few passes to get it tilled in.

Then we purchased some Winter Wheat and Clover seed. 

Poured it in this handy spreader hooked up to the Ranger.

And I got to do the easy job of leisurely driving around the garden disbursing the seed... just in time for a wonderful rain!  

The wheat and clover should grow all winter, creating what is called Green Manure.  The clover is very high in nitrogen and when tilled back into the soil in the spring it will make for a more nitrogen rich soil.  The wheat will also put nutrients back into the soil and will help in weed and erosion control.   

So see?  We are already getting ready for Spring!  Yay!!!  

And in other news...

I took a trip to Colorado to visit our son and daughter in law (and had the best time ever)...

... and then I had a wonderful vacation in Estes Park, CO with two of my best girlfriends...

... and came home from that trip to girlfriend company from Washington ....

And now it is time to settle in and take the advice of my very dear friend, Luanne... embrace winter!!  I have a lot of sewing to enjoy!  

P.S.  For all of you that ordered Essential Oil bags from me... THANK YOU!!!  It has been so much fun choosing fun colors, sewing bags and getting them in the mail.  I'm hearing over and over that they are for Christmas gifts and what a great idea.  Feel free to read about them here and contact me via email at if you are interested in having one made for yourself or for a gift!  


  1. Busy, Beautiful fall! Loved seeing your pictures. Yes, embrace winter. ( note to self) hugs

  2. Gorgeous fall colors! Colorado is beautiful this time of year as well, so I'll bet you had lovely scenery to go along with your fun times! :-) I can't wait to see what your flower garden looks like next year...something to hold us over until Spring. Ha!

  3. Happiness is spending time with your family and friends! Gorgeous Fall pictures and I for one would love to see that view daily and your beautiful flower garden in the Spring too. Kathleen in Az

  4. The view from your front porch is just beautiful! Happy November!

  5. Looks like you will have a brilliant spring, being so well prepared! Your home will be filled with lovely things you've had time to sew all winter long. What could be bad about that?! ;0D

  6. Wow, Dori! Those views of your farm with the gorgeous fall foliage are off the chart! So beautiful and inspiring. I am happy to hear that you had some wonderful trips this past October with family and friends too. Temps are supposed to roar up to 89 again today down here in Florida so enjoy some fall weather for me from your porch!!

  7. I feel the same way about fall, love the colors but always a little sorry to see the light, flowers and warmth go! It looks like you had a wonderful time in Colorado with your daughter and friends, what a wonderful way to end the summer !

  8. Gorgeous autumn views. I agree with you, the hardest part about fall is the season that follows. It's looking good around your farm. Green manure is smart farming!
