
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Red Feedsack Booth!

This has been one of those months that I have felt like I had absolutely nothing to share with you.   I think sometimes I think my blog posts need to be about some profound thing... instead of just daily living!

So after some thought, I decided to share with you something that I'm doing just to see what happens.  I have a tiny little booth in a local shop on our town square.   And when I say tiny, I do mean tiny!  It is basically an old door with a counter top and shelves built on the lower half.  That's it!

(Above photo taken of our Court House in the Spring.   Oh, how this makes me anxious for Spring!)

Our town has an amazing, busy, active square.  There are numerous antique stores as well as the old original movie theatre and drug store. The Court House sits in the middle of the square and is just the most lovely old building.

The little shop, Pickers On The Square, where I have my booth is a darling little store with all sorts of amazing local talent.

I hesitated to even have a booth and put my things in because they are so different than other booths in the store.  My taste is very vintage farmhouse and not too many people love that look as much as I do!

But here are a few of the things I've made and put in my booth.


Beautiful, happy, 100% cotton quality fabric, aprons!  I decided that if they didn't sell I would bring them all to my kitchen and just enjoy looking at them!

More aprons!  I got a little carried away, I will admit!

Potholder and crochet dishcloth sets
Some of them actually match the aprons!  

 Feedsack Fabric Buntings 

I have a couple of these hanging in my bathroom and they are always, always commented on by guests.  Unfortunately, they don't quite make the impact hanging on this cluttered door like they do hanging from a window with the sun streaming through!

Heart Strings

These are also a little bunting... but with stuffed hearts.  Absolutely darling.  

Gift Tags

I love these tags.  They were so quick and easy to make with craft card stock and fabric scraps sewn on.  Who doesn't always need a little bag of gift tags?

Jars Of Hearts

This was a total accident.  I made way too many stuffed hearts and was too exhausted to make more buntings, so I decorated up some jars and tucked in the hearts!  These were a big hit in my booth.

Hooded Animal Towels

I also made numerous of the hooded animal towels that my little grand-girls love so much.  These are so fun to make.   

Custom Tote Bag

I would love to make more bags.  There are so many kinds and styles.  I really enjoyed making two of the bags in the above picture.  

Essential Oil Bags

And of course I made a couple of my Essential Oil bags that I sell right here on my blog.  

I set a couple stipulations for myself on my little booth.  They are that everything be handmade by me and that I don't stress it or worry about it.  The booth fee is very minimal and I feel like as long as I'm enjoying the process of sewing and selling then it's all good!   

And like my husband said, "If you don't sell anything you've got great gifts for the next year"! 


  1. You are so talent my friend...lovely handmade items. I think you will do great and you will have to expand your booth.

    1. Thank you Teresa! I really don't ever want to expand... other than being able to display things better! The door is a little tricky! :-)

  2. Love, love, love your things. So much talent you have! I'd love to sit and let you teach me how to sew.
    Cuteness abounds!!! <3

    1. I'm not a very good teacher! I am determined though that my grand-girls will grow up being able to say, "I learned to sew from my Gram"! :-) So I do have little lessons with them. Thanks for your compliments!

  3. Well, look at you: is there no end to your creativeness! The items are lovely. I enjoy your blog so much and look forward to you documenting this year of flower farming.

    1. Thank you Kim. I'm not really all that creative though... I'm just a good pattern follower! :-) And we are so looking forward to our flower garden again!

  4. Everything you create is so adorable! You are going to do very well there! Do not underestimate yourself!!❤️

    1. Thank you Angela - I really don't have many expectations, but honestly things are selling so that is kind of exciting!

  5. "Just daily living" is what I enjoy reading. Fixing up your place, adventures in babysitting (granddaughters), crafts, cooking, and gardening. A slice of life in a beautiful setting in Tennessee.
    Your cute little booth will do well, like your flower stand.
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Hi Kathleen! My daily living lately has been rather crazy! Sewing, cows, calves, grand-girls, and more of the same. Which reminds me... I think I am due a Monthly Moos post! :-)

  6. Oh Dori....your booth is so darling! All of your handmade creations are perfect. I think more people appreciate handmade gifts than we realize, especially those who are not as talented as you. Your booth is sure to be successful just because of the love and joy you bring to it.

    1. Hello Rosanne, thank you! I am having fun with it for sure!

  7. Cutest little booth! You are so talented!! Love the old court house building. I am making your monster cookie recipe this week. I too like just daily living posts. Real life is much more interesting than the staged! Have a good day!

    1. Hello Patty.... we do have such a beautiful court house don't we? All the buildings are similar in age and style. I've been meaning to write a post on our town square for years... must do that! :-)

  8. That booth is so cute. I hope you do well there. I enjoyed seeing what you've made.

  9. Everything is beautiful, Dori! I am sure that shelf is NOT going to be big enough for the demand. :D The tags you put on your items make them extra special. They show the love you put into each thing you make. I bet if you made some of your signs, they would go like hotcakes as well. You are very talented.

    1. Thank you Nancy. I've been thinking about my signs. And I do love making them. There are a couple booths that having signs in them, but not the way I make them. We also have a "classroom" in the store that we can use to teach a class and I was actually thinking about a sign class. But... not sure how much I want to extend myself either! :-)

  10. These items are beautiful! I will be looking at them closer as I see a few

    I like.

    1. Hi Carol, I've had a few people place orders with me and I'll pulled from my booth and shipped. So that is an option if there was something specific you were interested in. A lot of the things pictured have sold but I can always make another one! :-) Thanks for your sweet words.

  11. Replies
    1. Hi Ginger... mainly I think it is just being able to sew and follow directions! Ha! But thank you so much.

  12. You're amazing!! I love your style and your slogan (your stipulations)...

    "They are that everything be handmade by me and that I don't stress it or worry about it".

    Amen!! That's what I say about my stuff...

    If it don't sell - it makes great gifts!!

    1. Thank you Bev! I've actually pulled from my booth a couple times because I very quickly needed a birthday gift! It was fabulous. I told my husband, "I'm headed to the store to shop my booth"! Ha! :-)

  13. The booth is fantastic. Everything looks adorable and so well made. Good luck to you and have fun.
    p.s. I'm enjoying my essential oil bag that you made me. Thanks

  14. It's an adorable booth! Wish that I lived closer. I predict that things will sell like hotcakes. Everyone knows someone who is a farmhouse gal.

    1. Thank you Vee. I am taking orders for anything from my booth that you might like (smile!). I never intended that but after posting on Facebook last week I had multiple people write and ask if I would ship, so I've been doing that. Thanks for your kind words!

  15. Oh Dori, your booth looks very cheerful and Farmhouse vintage!! I hope you have lots of fun and success with this new adventure. Any kitchen would be made better with one of your cute aprons or hotpad packs! Keep us posted on how things progress!!

  16. I love your work! Everything is beautiful and unique, I can't imagine that you won't be successful. When I first started selling on etsy I decided to make things that I loved and would use myself. I wasn't sure anyone else would like what I made and at least that way I wouldn't have wasted my time. Well, it turns out, that is the best way to sell. It's a no lose situation, but I think you'll find that what resonates with you will resonate with others to :)

  17. I like your lil booth! You've got some adorable things there. They would go over well at our small town stores. Best wishes with your new endeavor.

  18. Very cute! I know you're booth will do well! I'll tell you what someone told me - raise your prices! :) I know that's what you wanted to hear! And I agree - what doesn't well will make great gifts to have on hand.

  19. LOVE your stuff Dori!! The colors you choose are so cheerful and happy and I love the combination of patterns. If I lived in your town I'd be buying from your booth for sure. In fact, I really would love to order an apron and potholder set if you'd be willing to! Let me know. :)

  20. I like how positive your husband is! Sounds a lot like my husband. :o) Love all your sweet homemade treasures.

  21. Your booth is so cute! I love everything and want one of each! Wish I lived close by. Love your blog!

  22. Today I received my custom order and ladies I could shout from the top of the mountains..... it is SO beautiful and you must order she is a true, very talented seamstress!!! I am so thrilled and will be back to place other orders!!! Many blessings to you and your family Dori. Place your orders ladies do your Christmas shopping now!!! :)
